Tandria Callins

Today, we are proud to introduce our 10th Queen, Tandria Callins. Soror Callins is a 2005 initiate of Tampa Metropolitan Alumnae and a current member of the Lakeland Alumnae Chapter.

When asked about her favorite quote, she shared:

“Don’t sit down and wait for opportunities to come, get up and make them.” – Madam C.J. Walker

This quote resonates with her deeply because, as she explains:

“Everything that I’ve earned, I had to go out and get it. I had to be intentional in order to seize every moment. Nothing has been handed to me. I didn’t have a roadmap to follow. I had to rely on God to reveal to me my gifts and purpose in this life. I’ve been blessed to be a blessing to others and will continue to maximize every moment that allows me to fulfill my purpose and take advantage of every opportunity that allows me to give God the glory in my life.”

We salute Tandria Callins for her unwavering support and dedication to creating opportunities and fulfilling her purpose. Her story of intentionality and faith is truly inspiring.

Join us in honoring Tandria Callins and her remarkable contributions. 

About the Regional Director’s Queen of Diamonds Club

Dive into the dazzling world of Nash-Vegas and elevate your sisterhood experience by joining the Regional Director’s exclusive Queen of Diamonds Club! With only 100 coveted spots available, this upgraded experience is filled with pre-conference, onsite, and post-conference benefits. Embrace the enhanced sisterhood experience as we embark on a journey filled with unforgettable moments. Secure your place and prepare to shine bright like a diamond in the heart of Nash-Vegas!