Stephanie Singleton

The Queen of Diamonds supporters continue to strive for excellence! Who will be the next queen? Will it be you? 

Today, we are proud to introduce our 7th Queen, Stephanie Singleton. Soror Singleton is a 2008 initiate of Delta Nu, Savannah State University, and a current member of Stone-Mountain Lithonia Alumnae. When asked about a quote that resonates deeply with her, she shared, “The quote that resonates deeply with me, though it may not be widely known, is the US Air Force core values statement: ‘Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.’ These values were drilled into me as I completed US Air Force Basic Training (a looong time ago) and have become my way of life.

‘Integrity first’ is striving to do the right thing, which fosters an honest and meaningful way of living. ‘Service before self’ reminds me of my duty to care for my fellow (wo)man (‘I Need You to Survive’ is more than just a song!). ‘Excellence in all we do’ encourages me to give my best in every endeavor, large or small, echoing Luke 16:10 (NIV): ‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…’ I aim to embody these core values and carry the torch forward with others who may receive it!”

We salute Stephanie Singleton for her unwavering support and dedication to service, integrity, and excellence. Her commitment to these core values is truly inspirational.

About the Regional Director’s Queen of Diamonds Club

Dive into the dazzling world of Nash-Vegas and elevate your sisterhood experience by joining the Regional Director’s exclusive Queen of Diamonds Club! With only 100 coveted spots available, this upgraded experience is filled with pre-conference, onsite, and post-conference benefits. Embrace the enhanced sisterhood experience as we embark on a journey filled with unforgettable moments. Secure your place and prepare to shine bright like a diamond in the heart of Nash-Vegas!