Kimberly Taylor-Fears

Introducing our 12th Queen, Kimberly Taylor-Fears. Soror Fears was initiated in 1983 at Iota Alpha, James Madison University, and is currently a Member-at-large.

When asked why she supports the region, she shared:

“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” – Jesus (Luke 12:48)

“I am thankful to GOD for the abundance of gifts He continues to bestow upon me. The ‘gift of giving back’ is a required component of my prosperity plan. The DSTSR QoDC provides a creative platform to ‘give with joy and purpose’.”

We salute Kimberly Taylor-Fears for her support and dedication to giving back with joy and purpose.

About the Regional Director’s Queen of Diamonds Club

Dive into the dazzling world of Nash-Vegas and elevate your sisterhood experience by joining the Regional Director’s exclusive Queen of Diamonds Club! With only 100 coveted spots available, this upgraded experience is filled with pre-conference, onsite, and post-conference benefits. Embrace the enhanced sisterhood experience as we embark on a journey filled with unforgettable moments. Secure your place and prepare to shine bright like a diamond in the heart of Nash-Vegas!