E. Florence Hervery

Our 15th Queen, E. Florence Hervery was initiated in 2006 in the Memphis Alumnae Chapter and is currently a member of Shelby County (TN) Alumnae Chapter.

Soror Hervery shared why it was important for her to support this initiative:
“Philanthropy and public service is a large part of who I am and puts me in lock step with the vision and strategies for the Southern Region. The region is in position to do great things, and our collective impact is unimaginable; I am honored to support. We have to be willing to use our resources whenever and however we can. Sometimes it’s lending our talent and expertise to non-profit board of directors to become change agents in our community and other times it’s through donations to causes that we believe in. Whichever speaks to you and warms your heart, just bring your A-game to the table even when you’re not invited.”

We salute E. Florence Hervery for her tireless efforts to be a catalyst for change in our communities and a shining example for us all.

About the Regional Director’s Queen of Diamonds Club

Dive into the dazzling world of Nash-Vegas and elevate your sisterhood experience by joining the Regional Director’s exclusive Queen of Diamonds Club! With only 100 coveted spots available, this upgraded experience is filled with pre-conference, onsite, and post-conference benefits. Embrace the enhanced sisterhood experience as we embark on a journey filled with unforgettable moments. Secure your place and prepare to shine bright like a diamond in the heart of Nash-Vegas!